Film directed by Rahul Bhole and Vinit Kanojia and produced by Paresh Vora under Brainbox Studios and Baroda Talkies. Reva is Drama based New Gujarati language film which has been released on 6 April 2018, starring by Monal Gajjar, Daya Shankar Pandey and Abhinay Banker. Film cinematography done by S Pappu and Rajat Dholakia given music for this film. Dhaval jayantilal gada, Akshay jayantilal gada produced this film. Jolly and Yogesh Pareek.Ĭhitkar is a new Gujarati language film, starring by Hiten Kumar, Sujata Mehta, Deepak Gheewala, Chhaya Vora and Latesh Shah who is also directed this film. Film directed by Vipul Sharma and jatin Pratik played a role as Music Director. Ratanpur is one of the blockbuster Mystery drama film which has been released on 16 March 2018, starring by Tushar Sadhu, Haresh Dagia, Uday Dangar, Vishal Vaishya and Jimmy Nanda. Lucky Anand, Arvind Charan Gadhvi and hardik Panchal directed this film.
jaymin Gajjar, Rutesh Patel, Dilip Bhagora, Shekhar Raj, Shailesh pandya, Mahesh Rabari and Nirmit Bhatt played a main role in this film.
Vitthala is a 2 Hours 13 minutes drama based Gujarati language film which has received 5 stars out of 5 on Facebook. It is a great film directed by Sunny Pancholi. It is a war drama movie that is all set to rock the Indian box office on 16th November 2018. Gujju is a new released Gujarati film 2018 starring by Rohit Roy, Manoj Joshi, Shriya Tiwari and Sunny Pancholi.